Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cooper Students Get Two Honorable Mentions EPA P3 4th Sustainable Design Expo

Congratulations to the students who participated in the National Sustainable Desgin Expo in the National Mall in Washington, DC, this past weekend (4/20/2008-4/22/2008).


Prof. Cumberbatch and nine Cooper students traveled to Washington, DC, to share their work on two projects in Cooper's SEA2M3 lab (SEA2M3 stands for: Center for Sustainable Engineering, Art and Architecture - Materials, Manufacturing and Minimalism): the Solar Lantern, and the Indigenous Fluoride Filter.

Photos coming soon...

The following is a copy of Prof. Cumberbatch's email to the Cooper community about the design expo:

More Good News:

At the EPA P3 4th Sustainable Design Expo in Washington DC (4/20 - 4/22),
the two Cooper Union projects both gained an Honorable Mention - according
to the EPA - a rating by the judges of >= 3.5 / 5.


The Development of an Indigenous Fluoride Filter (SU833538) -

Lindsay Volk (ChE - Soph); Leah Freed (ChE - J); Varsha Venugopal (ChE - F);
Beatrix Ponce (ME - F)

Solar Lighting for Remote Rural Communities (SU833551) -

David Berger (CE - J); James Stevenson (ChE - F): Nicholas Wong (ME - F);
Anurag Panda (EE - F); Ian Jacobs (ChE- J); Allan Ho (CE - J); Ryan Hogan
(Art - Soph)

Design Expo Information:


The Cooper Lantern got a lot of media attention:

In addition, the students were on German Public Radio, Russian TV, local
stations in the DC area etc etc.


Both projects funded by the EPA under their EPA P3 Award Scheme - SU833538 &

Both Projects partially funded under NSF Grant OISE # 0553789

Both projects also benefited substantially from very generous private
donations to the Center for Sustainable Engineering, Art and Architecture -
Materials, Manufacturing and Minimalism. Without these donations, it would
not have been possible to get this far.

Toby Cumberbatch (toby@cooper.edu)
Electrical Engineering Dept,
Cooper Union,
51 Astor Place, New York, NY 10003